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<!-- /*--><!--/*--> Oceans Deep: One, Two, Buckle My Shoe

Friday, June 5, 2015

One, Two, Buckle My Shoe

Well, well, I can hardly believe that these babies of mine are now officially one and two. No more newborns and bottles. No more "two under two." And while it's only a date on the calendar, it feels much bigger than that to me. It feels momentous--like we've "made it," as they say.

Trying to put into words this past year feels like an overwhelming, surreal task . . . as overwhelming and surreal as each day, week, month. Whoever said "the days are long but the years are short" could not have been more correct. The year feels like the blink of an eye--yet I know that all the days woven together to compose this year were hard. Hard, and filled with more joy, exhaustion, stress, and love than I can possibly quantify with words!

It is humbling, this job called parenting. I remember feeling so smug and prepared to be a parent before I actually became a parent. Oh, I'll be a great mom! I'll know just what to do. These kids will be lucky. 

Ha!! Wrong. So wrong!

For me, parenting thus far's been tantamount to being blindfolded and set loose in a Survivor-worthy immunity challenge. I suppose it's painfully true that you simply don't know what you don't know. And while I am quite certain that I made many mistakes thus far in parenting, one thing I also know with certainty is that these babies are loved beyond measure. Loved well and prayed for every day. Perhaps  that's what Peter had in mind when he said, "And above all things have fervent love for one another, for 'love will cover a multitude of sins.'" (1 Peter 4: 8, NKJV). I'm counting on this truth, at any rate, and hanging my mom hat on it.

We enjoyed celebrating thoroughly (read: eating LOTS of cake & ice cream!) these past two weeks, relishing in the love and gifts showered down by family and friends. Aaron and I are not the only people who carry a "fervent love" for these babies--a truth that gives me great joy. They are lucky little kiddos indeed--but not because they have me for a mom or Aaron for a dad. Rather, because they are covered by people who love them and come before our Heavenly Father each day on their behalf. I can think of no greater gift to give them than that!

So, let me end this post with just a few pictures, before I myself start crying like a toddler. I can only imagine the trials and battles we will face this next year, but LORD willing, we will survive by the depth of His grace and look up from long days, only to realize it's time for cake and ice cream yet again.





Still standing, after one of the hardest years of my life!

I'm afraid this picture captures what our future looks like . . . She has cake! But I want cake!! Whaaa Whaa!! ;-)

She may not look like me, but she shares my love of cake. First taste was a hit!



At June 6, 2015 at 11:35 AM , Blogger Rhonda said...

That was so beautifully said. Of course I'm crying!! What a joy to watch these littles growing up too quickly!

At June 6, 2015 at 6:49 PM , Blogger Mom Jodes said...

So love this, Mere! Thanks for sharing your heart!


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