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<!-- /*--><!--/*--> Oceans Deep: August 2014

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

God & Shopping Carts

Hello readers! The title of this post may strike you as strange, but the other day, I had something of an odd experience. God showed up in a shopping cart. Let me elaborate . . .

A couple of weeks ago, I experienced the single hardest, most draining day I've had since Hemingway arrived. Exhausted doesn't even begin to describe my state of being. I felt bled dry by the "end" of the day. I say "end" in quotations because, as you fellow parents well understand, your day never actually ends. By the time Aaron finally arrived home (quite late in the evening), I barely had the energy to sob--but sob I did. God was certainly gracious to me in that Hemingway finally settled down and slept pretty well that night (and I did too!).

As the following day dawned, I was feeling frayed but hopeful for an easier day. Determined that we would indeed have a better day, I decided to pack up the kiddos and head to Kohl's for a water table that a good friend had told me about. Currently, I'm in a tough spot with Isaiah: he desperately wants to be outside, but once outside in the shining sun, he promptly heads for the bark and rocks and all things potentially harmful. Apparently, to a 14-month-old, these are appealing snacks.  Something had to change, and a water table seemed like the perfect distraction for a busy toddler.

Feeling quite proud of myself for managing to get out of the house with everyone, I pulled into Kohl's and began looking for the parent's ideal parking spot: a spot right next to the cart return. My heart began to sink, however, when it dawned on me that Kohl's does not have traditional shopping carts. Ack! Having left the double stroller--or any stroller, for that matter--at the house (I know, mom fail), I was up a creek, as they say. All my efforts to make it there and all my hope of finding some relieving entertainment for Isaiah came to a disappointment halt. I understand this may sound overly dramatic, but at the time--sleep-deprived, exhausted and counting on getting this water table--I felt crushed at the thought of having to just turn around and head back home, empty-handed.

But just as I was preparing to put my car in reverse, I looked up and noticed a strange sight: a pristine, lone shopping cart parked under a shaded tree. It clearly didn't belong there, nor did it belong to Kohl's, but I decided to hop out and grab it anyway. To my surprise, it was labeled "Sam's Club/Walmart." Mind you, there wasn't a Walmart anywhere within walking distance. The cart was also extremely clean--no trash or debris of any kind to suggest that someone may have been using it for other purposes. Without hesitation, I secured Isaiah in the seat and put Hemi's car seat in the body of the cart and off we went. For the next 30 minutes or so, I enjoyed some quiet, peaceful shopping with my babies. We scooped up the water table and a few outfits from Carter's to boot!

It was exactly what this tired, frazzled mama desperately needed. I needed a "win." I needed to feel human and a part of the functioning world again. I needed to have a little time where neither child was crying or fussing and I wasn't wiping some one's top or bottom. I needed to hear the kind words of strangers, reminding me of how precious these days are and how quickly they evaporate.

In the middle of a draining, difficult week, this small shopping trip was a welcomed oasis. A trip only made possible by a random, out-of-place shopping cart that just happened to be right where I needed it to be. You may judge me as crazy for believing so, but I do believe that my Heavenly Father provided that cart for me. He placed it in that very spot at that very time . . . a strange, small gift for one of His children. It isn't the first time something like this has happened to me or a loved one, and praise Him that it won't be the last. I relish these times when the LORD so sweetly reveals how He is watching us, how He cares for us:

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 

~Matthew 6:26

So, there it is. The kindness of God, manifest in a shopping cart of all things. For those with eyes willing to see, our Heavenly Father is showing up for us in a myriad of ways, big and small, every day of our lives. He knows our limits, and He knows when we need that loving pat on the back or gentle hand on the shoulder. He is a God of details. He is a God who provides for our needs, even the small ones. And on that day, I needed a shopping cart. I'm so very thankful to love and serve a God who never fails to show His love for His children!

With that, I'll close this post and leave you with a couple of pictures. And if any of you have other creative ideas for entertaining busy toddler boys, I'd love to hear them :-).

My wild man, enjoying his new toy!

And, because she's just too darn cute, I have to include a picture of this little sweet pea, who is now 2 months old! Not sure where the times goes, but it flies . . .

Two months old and rocking a tulle skirt already :-).



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