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<!-- /*--><!--/*--> Oceans Deep: A Fresh Start

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Fresh Start

Hello readers! Or future readers, I should say, since no one really knows about this blog as I type at the moment...it's my own little secret.

If you've been following me on my previous personal blog or my creative writing blog, I'm guessing you are rolling your eyes right about now.

Another blog?? Umm, you haven't really blogged substantive material since the birth of your son.

Ok, well true--I'll give you that one. But as a lifelong believer in fresh starts and new beginnings, I'm turning over a new leaf here.

Yes, a new leaf in the midst of another impending move, and the forthcoming arrival of our second baby (to complete our set of Irish twins), and a life that only seems to get busier as the weeks go by. . .

Nevertheless, I am determined to begin writing again. Over the past 5 years, blogging has been such a fantastic outlet for me. I have loved sharing the highs and lows of life, putting it all out there (even when sometimes uncomfortable!) in an effort to let God work through my circumstances and hopefully use my life as an encouragement to others.

So much of the time, social media is used as yet another way we humans try to make ourselves feel better by putting bells and whistles on our very best pictures and very best moments and shoving it all out in front of our "friends" as a way to say see, look at me! I have pretty pictures and shiny children and super-cool friends! Isn't my life perfect! But we all know that no one has a perfect life (Kate Middleton aside, of course). My desire in blogging has always been to strive for a transparent and honest voice: celebrating the highs, striving for faith in the lows, and humbly embracing the non-eventful hum-drum of life.

When I first began blogging, I was in the lowest low I've ever experienced . . . thanks be to the LORD, I'm at the opposite end of that pendulum now. But I've lived enough to know that no phase or season of life is static, especially for a follower of Jesus. He wants to see our faith soar--and for that to occur, we must experience mountain highs and valley lows. Our only constant is Him. And thank goodness, He is the only constant we need!

So, with that, I'll wrap up my rambling. I'm very much looking forward to getting back into the swing of blogging. And, not to worry, it isn't all going to be serious and heavy--I'll be posting plenty of pics and stories about my little guy and princess-to-be. Like any parent, I'm over the moon for my children and think they pretty much rock, even in the womb :-).



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